Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Top 5 sources of news and information : Blog Post #1

 ESPN is a great source to get constant updates for watching a variety of sports games and for reliable commentary. While growing up in a major sports family that constantly has ESPN on either the TV or their phone, ESPN is an excellent source of news updates that can keep me informed. Getting updates on your favorite players, exciting interviews, and more can all be gathered directly from ESPN. For example, when my dad wants to find the time of a specific football game or get player updates from a prior basketball game, he is able to use the ESPN app on his phone in order to collect this information instantly. Not only can you watch one game, but you can also check in on other sports while still enjoying your selected event. 

At college, I don't have access to a TV, so Tik
Tok is one of the news sources that I rely on because of its short stories that get to the point. It's convenient to be scrolling and then having a recent event pop up that can fully educate me on the situation while on the go. Another great thing about TikTok is that you can search for specific stories, articles, and preferred news channels to get educated on topics you hear about from others or are personally interested in. Lastly, TikTok is also a great source because anyone is able to share their side of the story or take on the latest media, which helps me hear from different perspectives and allows me to take on my own opinion on the story without bias. 

I have always had Instagram, but I use it very differently now then I have in the past. I can see where there can be a load of clickbait on Instagram, but it can be reliable if used with caution. For example, A lot of my feed is about Justin and Hailey Beiber; this is the couple that I keep up the most with. I saw on a news account that I had never heard of before posted a photo of them too at a doctor's appointment for planning pregnancy. Prior to this post, the Beibers had posted nothing about an announcement for the baby, nor was any celebrity or news media talking about this event between the two. To my disappointment, I clicked on the account because I was curious, and it appeared to be a fake news account that posted click it caught my inbait. To avoid stumbling upon clickbait posts, I scroll through pictures or media that interest me, and if it seems unbelievable or out of the ordinary, I make sure to take a closer look and check the trustworthiness of it. A way I would do this would be by looking it up on Safari or checking the celebrities' page in general. Aside from this, I personally think Instagram is a great news source, as I feel like I'm constantly updated on the go.

I grew up on Fox News 8 and I still to this day rely on it for the latest information. Fox News 8 is a great program that provides daily top stories in the area on their broadcast while also touching on events that are happening around the world. What I pay attention to the most is the local traffic, weather forecast, and breaking news, which I rely on when I am out and about during the week. Since my family and I have always watched Fox News 8, I depend on this news source because it agrees with my beliefs and has a very unbiased platform for those watching. The constant cover of local, country, and international stories is very convenient to have all on one channel. 

Google News is a recommended source when exploring certain headlines or conducting research on popular topics. I have used Google News for past projects and papers because of its mature platform for researching adult topics. This platform produces a flow of recent links to articles published by top-of-the-line authors and trusted magazines. Google News also provides shorter pieces of work that can update you on local stories by simply typing in what you're looking for. News like upcoming weather, political insight, and recent happenings are all accessible from your phone or laptop, making getting updates easy.                                   

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