Thursday, April 25, 2024

Our Relationship With Technology & Technology's Relationship With Us : Blog #12

    I think my relationship with technology is not the healthiest because I am constantly on my phone, checking my notifications, and get anxiety when I don’t have it and i'm around people i'm not normally around. The reason i use my phone so much is to communicate with friends i'm not with at the moment, to document funny or memorable moments, and to keep up with what my friends or people that I know of that are posting. I also use technology as a form of entertainment, such as using tik tok for short video clips of dances, clothing hauls, skincare routines, and day in my life’s. Being involved in a sport or sorority also heavily relies on posting on social media platforms like instagram and facebook to update what events we have coming up, announcements for our chapter, and to share our teams achievements. If you are involved in a lot of school activities and groups like I am, almost every organization uses some form of communication to communicate with each other which can get very overwhelming at times with all the notifications piling up. this can be inconvenient while i'm trying to do everyday activities like attend class, practice, and interact with friends, but technology is very beneficial if a location or time changes because it’s a super fast way to communicate to a huge group of people. 

    I think technology is taking up a decent amount of my life but not to the point where I feel glued to my phone. Being at college away from home has made it hard for my parents to keep in touch with me because im so busy and it’s hard for them to tell how my day was just based on my voice. My mom is probably the person that I text and call the most, other then that my brother and my dad just send me funny or relatable tik- toks every now and then. The only downside to disconnecting is that if I take a nap, in practice, or in class, my mom usually has called or texted why i’m not responding or haven’t texted her back in awhile. Relying on technology like this could cause anxiety or panic attacks because assuming where someone really is or is really doing could raise overwhelming questions that can drain us. 

    Educationally I think technology is a great platform for submitting assignments, posting announcements, and for research. There are downsides to online submission such as if you don’t have wifi or if the app that you are using isn’t working at the time. online submission and posting assignments are very convenient as you can open multiple tabs and have everything you need in one spot, not multiple papers that you could up losing or getting damaged. Regarding research it can be very controversial but it still can educate professors and students for projects and assignments, if you do you research checking right. A lot of articles these days are skewed, bias, and completely wrong at times to spread incorrect information, which is scary when you don’t fact-check what you’re reading and start to believe or spread things that aren’t true. 

    Based on my digital footprint, If I were applying for a job today, the first thing my prospective employer would do is go online and find out as much as she or he could. Prospective employers would find that I go to High Point University, I am in a sorority, I am in involved in high points dance team, and that I live in the Charlotte area. When I googled myself this image showed up of me, wearing one of my dance team outfits. I think this is a great image to show that I am athletic, show spirit for my college, and I am committed to a group outside of academics. I am also very spread all over the internet, many instagram accounts such as my high school, dance studio from home, my hometown friends and college friends instagrams, my moms facebook, and sorority and athletic platforms. all of these accounts have multiple photos of me at events, holding awards, or a significant things like graduation, service opportunities, and involvement. I personally am very careful with what i post, who posts me, and how I interact on social media. In the past I have had friends who have gotten kicked off teams or suspended from school for posting threats or making hateful comments to other students or teachers. Being safe and honoring what should’ve private on social media is super important in my family, especially since i’m so involved.

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Our Relationship With Technology & Technology's Relationship With Us : Blog #12

     I think my relationship with technology is not the healthiest because I am constantly on my phone, checking my notifications, and get a...