Wednesday, March 27, 2024

EOTO Technology presentations : Blog #5

History of television - Wikipedia

Based on one of today's presentations, the first television presentation caught my attention the most. At first, mechanical televisions came about and were only used for about 20 years. After that, the electrical television was invented in 1927 by Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir. When the television was first developed, it only showed black and white and eventually adopted color. The television's first drama was "The Queens Messenger," broadcast from Schenectady, New York Station WGY, on September 11th, 1928. Complications of the television at the time was that it cost $445 United States dollars, which only the rich could afford since the average American salary was 35 dollars per month. WWII created a drop in sales.

Queen's Messenger

However, sales skyrocketed once the war ended. After television was around for a while, final touches like standardizing the system and color in 1941 were a huge change. Negative impacts of television would be terrible events such as 911, assassinations such as JFK, challenger position, and natural disasters. Seeing these events broadcast everywhere strikes anxiety, greed, and anger. All of these aroused emotions, which could result in riots, protests, and isolation. All of these negatively impact us as humans and the sites or channels that choose to broadcast the story. On the positive side, television had its first satellite TV in 1962. After the development of satellite, faster global news was broadcasted at the touch of a button and could be connected to any broadcast worldwide. This is significant because it brings families together to watch their favorite movies, make memories, and engage in shows. Personally, I remember watching Blues Clues from 9:00-10:00 PM every weeknight and Scooby Doo from 8:00-9:15am every weekend. These shows are no longer broadcasted at the exact times anymore, but I still think back to when I used to watch them as they were my favorite shows to watch with my friends and simply gave me serotonin. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

EOTO Com Tech timeline : Blog post #4

Leading up to the development of the first electronic email, computer scientists at MIT needed to find a way to communicate quickly via research and academic purposes. In 1971, scientists developed a MAILBOX program that allowed the exchange of messages in one place between two existing computers. This discovery took a small quantity of speed, as scientists thought it would. It was faster to deliver by hand a note next door than to exchange messages that took time over computers in the same room. There was also a struggle with co-workers not answering their phones, which is why this development of the electrical email was needed. Ray Tomlinson at BBN took the most significant step in 1972. He created a newly designed messaging system that is acceptable for the PDP-10 computer. This new messaging system consisted of an operating system for sending messages and a retrieval program to accept mail. At the time, the PDP-10 computer was trendy amongst companies, and this experiment made it possible to advance in the electronic mail over ARPANET, the first public packet-switched computer network used for academic and research purposes. After SENDMESSAGING and READMAIL became mail and machine learning, emailing was implemented for ARPANET programmers. 

Moving on from Tomlinsons work, The Rise of the Electronic Email in 1971-1975 was deemed the most convenient way of communication. One of ARPAS's directors, Stephen Lukasik, strongly encouraged his staff to use email. Because emails were flying between co-workers, Lukasik got to the point where he was unorganized and felt flooded. In this case, MSG was then created in 1975 by John Vittal. MSG is an electronic discussion group and was then the most widely used mail management program because of its convenient features. This program could handle an even more significant amount of mail, sort messages into separate files, and make replying and forwarding easier.

Electronic email started to spark and be used by everyone. By 1976, 75% of the ARPANET traffic was electronic mail that allowed the communication of messages within an internal network. By the 1980s, Internet service providers had connected people worldwide, and email hosting sites had wanted to join in. For many new internet users, electronic email was the first practical application of this discovery. In 1993, electronic email changed its title to "mail," over the next few years, echomail, Hotmail, and Yahoo shaped the internet and email world. These companies increased marketing dollars and exposure to the World Wide Web to what it is today. Nowadays, the internet has exploded positively from 55 million users worldwide, making emailing an everyday activity. Emailing can contact friends, communicate with professors and supervisors, request information, and apply for jobs, internships, and scholarships. Unfortunately, the negatives from emailing are dangerous and are still in place today. Unsolicited emails can quickly overwhelm and fill email systems unless a protected software or firewall keeps these harmful messages from being in the inbox. Because viruses can quickly spread through links and email attachments, email security issues are rising, especially when using the cloud or remote access. Today, media on our phones and computers consumes much of our lives. What some researchers have worried about ever since emailing came about is that it makes us lack a personal touch. For example, instead of meeting for lunch over a topic, two co-workers could efficiently resolve an issue over email instead of catching up and fueling themselves. Meeting in person could also help avoid miscommunication that someone could feel over an email, which could quickly resolve that.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression : blog #3

 Promoting innovation stands out to me more than any of the eight values of free expression. In the text Living Originalism by Jack Balkin, he provides an argument for promoting innovation within constitutional interpretation. Acknowledging the need for constitutional interpretation to advance with society's changes while remaining rooted in the Constitution's original principles is crucial. 

Even more recently, having free speech that is valued and protected is critical for society's growth. For example, promoting innovation in healthcare. Innovation in this context includes invention, adoption, and diffusion. Successful companies ask their communities what they can do to make the healthcare program more beneficial based on their findings and thoughts. This is where promoting innovation comes into play. Without free speech that is protected in this sense, how will healthcare advance and give the public what we need? By identifying key points, issues, and strategies, such organizations can advance and deliver this culture of innovation to their employees and customers. Without personal ideas and diversity, we all silently blend without being able to grow appropriately. Now, Funding has been put in place to produce more ideas. Notably, small businesses can develop innovative products that address unmet health needs. In the past decade, there has been a dramatic shift in health improvement connected to enterprise systems, third-party apps, and patient-facing systems. Additional energy from the public helps expand other areas and address problems that need to be flipped. But, these solutions could create common points for integration. A challenge to the uptake and spread of innovation is the resistance to change from the healthcare workers who will be impacted by it. These innovations could be seen as simple technical changes, but they are more adaptive. This type of innovation is more of a connection between people and technology, engaging the staff to embrace change and encouraging them to give the public what they want. 

Our Priorities at Health Innovation Alliance | Policy Experts

In conclusion, the healthcare system is a massive part of our lives. Healthcare keeps us healthy and alive and promotes our personal growth. If healthcare is wrong, it’s hard for us to adapt and get help. This is why community innovation and speech are critical. The healthcare system has to advance carefully and appropriately, but it could be hard to progress without promoting innovation. With proper focus, a culture of innovation to help the healthcare system is needed to continue delivering world-class universal healthcare to the population of the United States. 

Promoting Innovation is essential to me, especially for healthcare because of my dad, who is a type 2 diabetic. Without researcher's proper input with new medicines and techniques to stabilize weight, sugars, and kidneys with this disease, my dad wouldn’t beto- able to get up-date treatment that could possibly be better. I see this done in action today with the newest medicine called Tirzepatide. Tirzepatide keeps blood sugar levels down and lowers the chances of obesity.

The history and workings of the U.S. Supreme Court : Blog #2

Something I learned about the Supreme Court that I didn’t already know was that the Court elevates itself above other branches of the government. The Supreme Court gives itself a sort of a dog-watching role. People today even view the Supreme Court as the primary interpreter of the Constitution. 

The most crucial takeaway about the Supreme Court is understanding the term Judicial Review. Judicial Review has a specific definition: the power of the court to review all branches of government and deem them constitutional or not. This is essential to the Supreme Court because without of a written constitution, it, in the absence, provides necessary checks and balances. 

A Charity Tied to the Supreme Court Offers Donors Access to the Justices -  The New York Times

The most surprising thing I learned was Jefferson and Madison's ignoration of the federal law. They both thought, “How can you have freedom of speech and freedom of the press, but you can’t criticize the government.” They had these feelings because they didn't follow the central meaning of the First Amendment. To resolve this problem, they wrote the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, which later appeared in the Sedition Act. These resolutions were extreme and urged the governments of Kentucky and Virginia to ignore the law and not even enforce it. Nullification was then put into place; this is a constitutional theory that individual states can invalidate federal laws or judicial decisions they deem unconstitutional. In the 1800’s, the debate was solved, Jefferson was elected, and John Adams left the white house. This was a good thing because the Addiction Act went away once Adams left the White House. 

The video changed how I think about the Supreme Court because I now understand how much power it has. The Supreme Court could throw you in jail or sentence you to death while also protecting us and keeping us aligned. Another thing that the video changed in how I thought of the Supreme Court is how federalism works. Federalism is when the federal governments are forced to share power with state governments. This is a centrally important idea in our system: a power-sharing arrangement.  There are only certain things the federal government gets to take charge of, which I didn’t know, but this is because they cannot reign over the individual.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Top 5 sources of news and information : Blog Post #1

 ESPN is a great source to get constant updates for watching a variety of sports games and for reliable commentary. While growing up in a major sports family that constantly has ESPN on either the TV or their phone, ESPN is an excellent source of news updates that can keep me informed. Getting updates on your favorite players, exciting interviews, and more can all be gathered directly from ESPN. For example, when my dad wants to find the time of a specific football game or get player updates from a prior basketball game, he is able to use the ESPN app on his phone in order to collect this information instantly. Not only can you watch one game, but you can also check in on other sports while still enjoying your selected event. 

At college, I don't have access to a TV, so Tik
Tok is one of the news sources that I rely on because of its short stories that get to the point. It's convenient to be scrolling and then having a recent event pop up that can fully educate me on the situation while on the go. Another great thing about TikTok is that you can search for specific stories, articles, and preferred news channels to get educated on topics you hear about from others or are personally interested in. Lastly, TikTok is also a great source because anyone is able to share their side of the story or take on the latest media, which helps me hear from different perspectives and allows me to take on my own opinion on the story without bias. 

I have always had Instagram, but I use it very differently now then I have in the past. I can see where there can be a load of clickbait on Instagram, but it can be reliable if used with caution. For example, A lot of my feed is about Justin and Hailey Beiber; this is the couple that I keep up the most with. I saw on a news account that I had never heard of before posted a photo of them too at a doctor's appointment for planning pregnancy. Prior to this post, the Beibers had posted nothing about an announcement for the baby, nor was any celebrity or news media talking about this event between the two. To my disappointment, I clicked on the account because I was curious, and it appeared to be a fake news account that posted click it caught my inbait. To avoid stumbling upon clickbait posts, I scroll through pictures or media that interest me, and if it seems unbelievable or out of the ordinary, I make sure to take a closer look and check the trustworthiness of it. A way I would do this would be by looking it up on Safari or checking the celebrities' page in general. Aside from this, I personally think Instagram is a great news source, as I feel like I'm constantly updated on the go.

I grew up on Fox News 8 and I still to this day rely on it for the latest information. Fox News 8 is a great program that provides daily top stories in the area on their broadcast while also touching on events that are happening around the world. What I pay attention to the most is the local traffic, weather forecast, and breaking news, which I rely on when I am out and about during the week. Since my family and I have always watched Fox News 8, I depend on this news source because it agrees with my beliefs and has a very unbiased platform for those watching. The constant cover of local, country, and international stories is very convenient to have all on one channel. 

Google News is a recommended source when exploring certain headlines or conducting research on popular topics. I have used Google News for past projects and papers because of its mature platform for researching adult topics. This platform produces a flow of recent links to articles published by top-of-the-line authors and trusted magazines. Google News also provides shorter pieces of work that can update you on local stories by simply typing in what you're looking for. News like upcoming weather, political insight, and recent happenings are all accessible from your phone or laptop, making getting updates easy.                                   

Our Relationship With Technology & Technology's Relationship With Us : Blog #12

     I think my relationship with technology is not the healthiest because I am constantly on my phone, checking my notifications, and get a...